downhills are scary

I know that we are supposed to look forward to downhills after huge inclines, but for some reason flying down the long stretches scares the living daylights out of me, especially when there is gravel or cars zooming by. It is enjoyable at times but yesterday and today with bad weather looming, it was hard not to panic. Right now I am waiting out a storm in a Hardee's with my group and 2 others. Wow we were just informed that there is ANOTHER tornado warning today so Conor is going to shuttle us in. We completed 51 out of 60 miles today pretty much completely uphill. But it felt so good every time we reached the top! And the views were amazing! I think we got some good pictures. In the morning Connor (saggy butt) Yanz got a flat at mile 16 and he had no spare tubes left so Linsey, Sean, Connor and I were stuck on the side of the road for about an hour and a half until Conor Canaday came back to bring a tube and help fix the flat. I tell ya, he is a lifesaver and someday I hope I can be as good at dealing with stressful situations as him! Props.Moving on, once we reached the first rest stop the entire team had waited! Just to take a team picture in front of the lake at Cowans Gap State Park. It was so nice of them. Otherwise we would have been wayyyyy behind. The four of us took a swim in our bike shorts and took videos of us running in. Lins had her swim bottoms with her luckily. Fastforwarding to now, the weather is narsty!! It is a good thing we pulled over when we did. I can't help but think the Big Man Upstairs is watching over us.Anywho, yesterday was soo fun/eventful. It started out with Katie's "mosher" which is a jumpstart to the day. It's funny, because I usually wake up feeling like I have barely slept but once I have a little breakfast and am with the team I am always pumped for the day! Laughter can get a person through anything I swear.At around mile 56 after several uphill climbs, Jan saw a sign for pit beef so we pulled over to take a food break for the boys. We called Conor and told him it would be a great afternoon rest stop. After the boys ate we were getting ready to take off but Connor Yanz had a flat. So we went from being the first group to the last. Haha this post sounds totally like everything is going wrong. But the mood has been totally upbeat! Finally we took off but then around mile 64 Sean's chain broke. While we were dealing with that, a man came out of his house to tell us there was a tornado warning! So we rode a few more miles (downhill with gravel) and stopped at a pizza plac e where i may have let some tears roll. It was brief though! Thanks to Jan for sticking with me down the hill and making me feel better! Then the storm picked up and the shuttling began. It was the first time in I4K history that people had to be shuttled to the stayover. Since Connor Canaday was with us he drove us first and Linsey, Sean, and I were able to shower at the YMCA a few blocks over. Thank you to our host Jeff for driving us there! When we got back we got pizza that Connor ordered! Great ending to a hectic day.One thing I have learned is worrying doesn't solve anything, and neither does panicking. Working as a team and keeping your spirits up is the way to go. Also, I really owe it to the men on the team for being leaders and helping with bike problems! Everyone has so much to offer and I feel so blessed to be on this journey with them!Oh I forgot one more thing that happened yesterday...I may have had a silly fall where I clipped out on my right but fell to the left. It left a wicked cut on my right calf from the crank. It looks like baseball laces. I swear I've never had this beat up of legs in my entire life and it is only day 5. Thanks to Connor Yanz and Jan we wrapped it in a black bandanna and electrical tape but I took it off shortly after because there was not too much blood.If you read the entire post thank you! With your support the Illini 4000 is fighting cancer one day at a time.