It Only Gets Better...

What a week. Last weekend we went on a 75 mile ride through Fischer, Rantoul, and FLATVILLE just to name a few.  75 miles was surprisingly manageable, all this training is really paying off. Even though we increase the volume of miles biked each week, each week gets easier. It is so peaceful to be out on the open road with nothing on your mind except admiring the scenery and wildlife around you. Coming home after the ride, to reality, is pretty crummy. Hello stress/exams/labs/etc. Anyways, these longer rides are starting to show us what our summer is going to be like. At times we are going to face 30 mph winds, at times we are going to face rediculous weather, at times we are going to push ourselves further than any of us thought possible, but each test we have had in our training we have conquered. 60 miles through 40 degree weather with rain, we can handle it. Inreasing our workload by miles each week, no problem. Raising $100,000, bring it on.  We are a team, and we succeed as one.The week was already going well, and then we hit the $100,000 mark. We have raised over $108,000 and that number is still climbing!!!  And it only gets better. Our fundraising totals are climbing rapidly, we have a benefit concert this friday night, and we have our 90 mile ride and camping trip at kickapoo this weekend. And it only gets better. School is so close to being over. Some of us will graduate, and all of us will be in for the best summers of our lives.