41 Miles, One Fall, Lost Keys, and a GIANT burger

Hellloooooooo! So this past Saturday we had our first all team ride. IT WAS AMAZING! We rode in small groups but joined forces at homer lake to play chicken on the coop. Chicken on the coop was fun as well – my competitive nature caused me to play dirty which lead to Linsey and I getting out hahahhaa. On the ride back we had 15 some miles of headwind. Hear it from me now: headwind SUCKS. It makes for a strenuous ride, chapped lips, and snot. Besides that I only fell once and it didn’t hurt! I started to get better at clipping in and there’s definitely improvement in my clipping out. At one point on the way back we made a stop and I lost my apt keys! Little did I know this until I got home (more on that later). Erik made an adjustment to my saddle and boiiiiiiiiiiiii did that help! My “lady part” no longer hurt!!! The only body part that became soar/over worked were my trapezes (the part of your body where your shoulders connect to your neck). This might be something to get used to or I might need to make another adjustment to my bike. The new buckle on my shoe worked out well and I had no problems there. I got a lot of practice at making call outs and I LOVE the command “rolling” for some reason hahaha.On the way back I was exhausted, the wind was tough, and I was HUNGRY. What kept me going? Ron and I described in detail the burgers we’d be having at joe’s after the ride – half priced burgers on Saturdays! Despite the fact that we like different things on our burgers hearing him talk about it with me drove me easily to the finish line. Ron also became my “bike-kickstand buddy”. We learned how to rest two bikes upright against each other. It’s kinda cool looking and semi-hard to do but we have a good system.When I got back from lunch I had one hour before our big portraits project so I sat down, took some deep breaths, and a friend of mine was in town so I saw her. Then it was off to our first EVER portraits showing.The portraits showing was truly awe inspiring. I felt so proud to be apart of I4K and helped to realign me with our cause. I was so tired during the event but I managed to keep my head up and feet moving. Turns out I got sun burnt on the ride! We took some real cute photos and it was nice to see everyone get so dressed up. I wanna say a big thank you to the Camp Kesem people who attended and my dear roomies who showed their support as well. It really meant a lot to me and to I4K that you were there. To all the family members that came – thank you for making the night that much more special.The next day my roomie Carly and I drove the Sat bike ride to try to find my keys. Long story short: we got TOTALLY lost but found the keys right as we were giving up cuz I was late to get back.All in all, the I4K weekend was amazing and has made me SO excited for this summer!Stay tuned,Ellieps. i came up with the best nick name for Gabrielle: MOMMA G and i wanna say how proud i am of her for Sat night. I know many people put in a lot of work, especially behind the scenes but i have some insight and i know how hard she worked. so shout out to MOMMA G!