First Post!

Hello Hello,So this is my first blog and I hope to really good about keeping this thing. Currently, it is 88 days til take off and boy is time flying by! This semester is going by so fast and I feel like if I blink I’ll be on the train to NYC. Yet in that blink I still have to buy a bike (I’ve narrowed it down to two), graduate (yanno no biggie), and fundraise a little more. I would like to take a quick second to thank everyone who has donated to this cause from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means to me and the future of cancer (or should I say lack of it?).Right now it’s midterms so my brain is focused on my classes. It’s hard for me to get to the gym everyday but I am doing my best! I have started to follow the I4K manual about training which means 5-10 mile bike rides keeping my RPM in between 60-70 (yup I know “bike talk” as my mom likes to call it). I also lift to build muscles in my legs and arms. I tell my roommates that my arms are becoming too illegal even for a gun show hahahha.The team is amazing. I’ve met some really cool people and I cannot tell you how excited we all are for this summer. We just got fitted for our jerseys which took me and Linsey forever! I ended up ordering a men’s extra-small – don’t even get me started, just trust me it’ll fit. I also got to transcribe a little bit of a portrait! There is going to be an event to showcase some portraits and the documentary “What People Do” on April 2nd.Well that’s all for now folks – school work is calling my name,Ellie