So I haven't been myself for the past couple of days. Slightly removed, not my goofy, blonde normal. I have a lump on my back. For any other person who doesn't have a history of cancer, this is usually something to not be alarmed about. I am not one of those people, so something as simple as a dime size lump on my back sets me off. I begin to panic and overthink things. Remission is a scary time for someone who has had cancer. A person in remiossion lives in fear and stress of recurrence. My chances of recurrence are much better than others, however, the chance is there and I have had way too much time to think about it. I knew I would finally get things settled in Rapid City. Doctor Day #2.I stared my day off with a slew of phone calls trying to find a doctor closeby to tell my oncologist at home what they see from a medical standpoint. After I found a place and wrote my cues to get there, I headed to Dairy Queen for brunch. This trip may be described as a tour of Dairy Queens and gas stations across America. Needless to say, I ordered way too much food and did not fail to finish it. Two hotdogs, two cheeseburgers and a medium (large) blizzard. Now that my stomach is filled, off to the docor. Lauren and I treked to the doctor's office. We arrived to 1600 Mountain View Road, only to find that I wrote the cues down to the wrong office. Panic. I got some quick directions from the people that did work there and quickly forgot them. Lauren was so happy I forgot them so fast! Another wrong turn. I called the intended office and asked for diections from where we were. The receptionist pointed us in the right direction. Lauren asked if I had asked for an address... I didn't. However, I said with confidence that it was at 3000 Sheridan Lake. We were at 1000. We biked. Hills. More hills. Lauren's knee is hurting. I begin to get frustrated and worrysome. I guess I am superstitious on doctor days. Anything that goes wrong must point to something else that will go wrong. We were both frustrated. More hills. I am getting tired. We didnt have our bike shoes on, so a ride over five miles gets extremely uncomfortable. We go past the 3000's into the 4000's. Nothing. I promise Lauren we are on the right road.... again. I begin to get angry at myself for not knowing the right way to the doctor's office. At about 4500, I get a flat. I stop. I lean over my handlebars and tear up. Superstition. I am overwhelmed with bad omens. This can't be good. Lauren picks me up and says that she is sure that there isn't much more to go. That motivates me to walk/run my bike to the office alongside Lauren coasting on her bike. I begin to think, "I can only expect good news if all this bad stuff just happened." We arrived at the office at around number 7000. Oops. Guess I am never navigating again.The trip to the doctor was quick. I spent some time registering and checking up with a nurse and then awaited a doctor. Lauren and I took some dramatic pictures of me in the chair (check her blog). The doctor walked in, looked at my lump very quickly and said I have nothing to worry about. Just a sac of blood. Weird. At least it doesn't hurt.The rest of our day off was spent making fake Subway applications, wearing deep vee t shirts and napping. What a day. Can't wait for Rushmore tomorrow.