Want some Mayo Clinic on that? Rochchester, MN 6/19/2010

Rest day!  I did some laundry and starved myself for most of the day.  Until... I had a cinnamon roll that was the size of my face and unlimited coffee.  I headed back to the stayover to get ready for our visit of the Mayo Clinic.Our visit to the Mayo Clinic cancer library was phenomenal.  Here I learned how the Mayo clinic was formed and on what principles the Mayo clinic strives for.  I was able to pick up an insane amount of paper work on cancer stats and treatments (of which take up too much room in my bag).  One thing that is remarkable about the clinic is that all the doctors in the clinic are paid on salary, not on a patient by patient basis.  This system helps doctors focus more on their patients and their specific diagnosis rather than accumulating money.  In an earlier post, I disscussed the negative effects of doctors on salary.  At the Mayo clinic, these reservations are lifted because the salary is accomodating and the Mayo clinic is leading in research and medicine.  I want to work here one day without a doubt. The rest of the day was spent catching up on blogs and planning a visit to a hospital in Mitchell, SD.  Not too exciting but I am excited to finally have some visits to hospitals.