Twent-Eight Strangers. Or: The Bliss of a Growing Team

I wasn't sure exactly what point I thought this would happen, but it is definitely now. Maybe it was the collective consciousness of biking 100+ miles and crossing the Indiana border that was the straw that broke the camels back (in a good way), but tonight has proved a significant night in the growing bond of what it means to be "teammates". These 27 other people--some friends before the trip, some total strangers--have proven all to be my best friends. We've learned to help each other, to yell at each other, to cry with each other, and to live with each other.  I couldn't be more thankful or feel more blessed to share this summer with these amazing people.I'm excited to get to know everyone more and to fine-tune my relationships with everyone.Also, Ohio is really into alpacha' really really into alpacha's.