Reedsburg, WI 06/16

Ah yes, another fantastic day in the life of an I4Ker. I took off riding with Mary, Jeff and Stephe (pronounced Steee, PHHH) and we instantly jumped into some hills. Wisconsin has been so close in distance to me for 22 years, and yet just now I am discovering these mini mountains. It was a long day, but it was fantastic. Mrs. Russell found us on the road and provided a delicious lunch (thank you soo much!!). Riding this past week, I've discovered that the scenery is becoming increasingly gorgeous... either that or I'm just taking the time to actually enjoy it and take it all in.Upon our arrival, the team headed over to the local pool for some swimming and showers, HILARIOUS. Picture this... 28 college kids in spandex reaching from belly button to knee with tan lines looking like a permanent white tee-shirts, attempting to jump off a diving board while tons of 9-13 years olds stare. I think it's safe to say, a number of my teammates haven't been on diving boards in a while... either that or the boards weren't designed for full grown adults...While some of the team went out to dinner for the Chinese holiday, 11 of us stayed back at the church and prepped a lovely dinner of pasta, garlic bread, and other such things. With some Italian music playing in the background (provided by me obviously), it felt like a real family dinner, something which you start to miss when on the road. We all sat around one table, laughing and eating, and it was really nice to spend some time in a group smaller than 28... not that I don't love everyone, sometimes it's just nice (: Everyone pitched in on cleaning and dishes... a small water fight when down in the kitchen and then the 11 of us gathered in a tv room and threw in The Prince of Egypt. Hands down one of my favorite days of the trip thus far... until... well here comes another topic people often ask about...Common question, "Don't your butts hurt?" I'm going to keep this simple... Priscilla and my shorts got mixed up one and we wore each others on this particular day... and it didn't fair well. Coming into Reedsburg, I can tell you that, YES, my butt hurts. Enough said.