Just a little 106-mile summer ride

Sorry friends for not being the best at updating.  I don't understand how other people update everyday.  They probably have their own computers.  phst.Anyway, the riding has been awesome, beautiful, and full of wonderful surprises.  Police escorts across bridges, Chinese lunch, rolling hills of eastern Ohio and just spending time biking and biking with great friends.  We're in Columbus, OH right now and just so happened that they were having a art fair.  It was really sweet staying across the street from displays of paintings, photography, sculptures, etc.  The art museum here was even free today and located across the street from our stayover, but unfortunately, no one found the time to check it out.In other news, I may have a job/volunteer position lined up for this coming fall!!  I could be in Arkansas working for Heifer International or possibly in Honduras working for Pure Water for the World!! Exciting!!  I still plan on doing a little bumming around California before my life becomes real again.Well, tomorrow morning at about 6:30am, we'll be departing for some 106 miles across Ohio into Richmond, IN.  No big deal.love and peace.