Gettysburg, PA

first post!today was day 4 of the ride . . . we had some hills, and "serious climbs" are supposed to begin tomorrow. i'm not quite sure what that entails, but i think we are ready. well, we have to be ready i guess. everyone has improved so much in the last 4 days alone, and we will push through these last 2 days until our rest day on Pittsburgh! i've been riding with a lovely group of ladies -  the lady pack, if you will.  we've been working at pushing each other and keeping the momentum up - what would i do without my lady pack!?!i've been having some trouble with my knee - an IT band injury i had in high school is acting up again. Jeff's parents brought his beautiful, new bike today (jeff can ride again! -- he had a wipe out on a carbon fiber frame on day 2 he's putting it together right now and it's beautiful!) His mom was kind enough to take me and some other riders to walmart, and now i have icy hot and a knee brace that is supposed to put tension on my tendon to alleviate the irritation.we also found a great bike shop in gettysburg  - only two blocks from the church we're staying at! what luck! i have also been having lots of back pain and this bike shop was able to put a new stem on my bike.  i'm really keeping my fingers crossed that these adjustments work - 90 miles tomorrow! with some "serious climbs" :gulp: . . .wish us luck!