Christmas in July (Even Though it's August)

This summer, the team had Secret Santa/ Christmas in July to celebrate the end of the ride, have some fun, and show a little love. I had Christa and since we hang out a lot, I knew just what to get her. We happened to go to a nice used bookstore in Missoula, Montana and she was pining for a cute little antique bike toy thing. Luckily, she didn't buy it, so I got it for her for Christmas.

The presents ceremony was a great success. We celebrated in a high school and everyone got great things: thoughtful/funny/strange. Many riders took to stopping at garage sales or picking stuff up off the side of the road. Matt Strick got me a great big wrench to start my tool set (how thoughtful)! Tim got a "christmas-tree-decorated helmet' that flashed, Conor and Clinton got baked goods, Isaac got an obnoxious fantastic four costume, and it only gets better. I think we all enjoyed the holidays as the Western family that we are.