South Dakota = Gone With the Wind

I don't want to speak too soon, and this will probably come back to haunt me because there is a lot of South Dakota yet to cover, but so far the wind in South Dakota has not affected us a bit.  The people in South Dakota have been  extremely nice.  Everyone is very friendly and we have been getting honked at and waved at everywhere we ride. We have been in the town of Mitchell the past two days, the home of the world's only corn palace.  Unfortunately, since the palace is redone every year, the outside was not yet completed.  We checked it out anyway, and on the inside it was full of pictures of the corn palace in previous years, and I have to say, I don't think we really missed much.  We met some great people at a local bar and grill where we got some food.  We ended up leaving with over $100 of donations.  One guy that we met, Rich Brown, even came to the school where we are staying with a grill so we could have ourselves a BBQ today.