More from South Dakota

Yesterday was a rest day in Mitchell. We had a hospital visit, which was very cool and really educational. We learned about radiation therapy, and in particular the machinery that is used. We had most of the day free, and we took a trip to the Corn Palace. It's definitely interesting to see the attractions in some of the towns we pass through! Every place is so different!

Today was an awesome ride. When we woke up this morning, it was pouring outside. When we finally got around to leaving, the rain had let up some. But when we got moving, we were cruising at a pretty constant pace, and all the riders were in before 2 pm. We're hanging out at a coffee shop right now, which is really relaxing and a nice change of pace.

I'm not really sure what's in store for tomorrow (July 4th). I'm hoping we will be able to see some fireworks, but we're heading to a very small town so it seems unlikely. It's also my turn to drive tomorrow, which is kind of a bummer, but we all have to drive at some point.