Independence Day

For the past two days we have been riding in the rain off and on.  Today for the 4th of July, Matt Cady did an inspiring speech from the movie "Independence Day."  We crossed the Missouri River this morning, which was really scenic, but we couldn't get any pictures because it was raining.  Once we crossed the river the terrain  became rolling hills which were very pretty.  We stopped at a gas station for lunch and got a $100 donation from the Holder family of Sturgis, South Dakota.  The entire family was extremely nice, as has been the case with most of the people we meet in South Dakota.  It still amazes me how nice everyone has been to us, it is really awesome.  I also want to think Marilyn Seymour who helped me bandage my knee when I cut it.  Tomorrow we ride through the Badlands, so I am pretty excited to see that.