Day 56 - Christmas-time is coming...

Today was long and really hot and not very fun, but wasn't one of the worst days we've had.  We climbed lots of hills all day and got lost multiple times.  The ride was supposed to be only 70 or so miles, but turned out to be over 85 miles, and the uphills were pretty killer.  A few roads that we planned to take turned out to be gravel so we had to go around, which added about 8 to 12 miles.  We also turned down the chance to take a really awesome downhill because it was another climb to get there and we didn't think it would be worth it, but everyone said that it was one of the coolest downhills of the trip.  We are staying at the United Methodist Church here in Lewiston, ID, and they made us some amazing grilled dinner, burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad and some really good apple pie dessert.  Afterwards, I went and got my presents all set up for Christmas in July, which consists of a secret santa tomorrow night, mainly consisting of funny items people have found along the side of the road.  I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow because we have to climb out of this valley that we're in, so we definitely have some more hills tomorrow and it will be another long hot one, but we get to enter our second to last state, Washington!!

States traveled through:17(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT, ID)
Distance today: 86 mi
Total Distance traveled:  3494 mi