Day 51 - Montana Hospitality

Butte, MT to Drummond, MT

Our ride into Drummond was another kinda long one, but we managed to make good time and got into the town by about 1:30PM.  It turned out this was pretty lucky, since some of the riders in the back groups didn't get in until almost 5 PM.  Drummond is a small town, but their hospitality has been rivaled by almost none.  The ride was a hot one, and we were heading into the wind for the second half of it, but as soon as we got into town, they had cold water, amazing lemonade, hot dogs, and deer jerky waiting for us, and we were also able to use real showers from the high school across the street.  We really appreciate showers nowadays, we have been using garden hoses and their freezing cold water to shower recently, and we are getting used to the stares as people drive by and see kids lined up in front of a church in spandex using a hose to shower.  Anyways, we haven't had a real shower since Cody, WY, which was forever ago, so we really appreciated it, and when we got back, the Drummond church folk had an amazing dinner prepared.  We got to feast on roast beef, tons of fruit salad, fried chicken, and awesome macaroni salads, and for desert, rhubarb pie and strawberry shortcake, so needless to say, we all ate until we couldn't move.  After dinner, some people climbed a nearby hill to watch the sunset, and I read outside in the beautiful weather until it was dark.  Montana has been beautiful so far, and every place we've been people have been really nice and the scenery has been stunning.

States traveled through:16(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT)
Distance today: 73 mi
Total Distance traveled:  3185 mi