Day 49 - Mustache Montana

West Yellowstone, MT to Ennis, MT

Today's ride was a longer one, we rode over 70 miles, but it was mostly downhill.  We heard rumors that we had over 3000 ft of elevation loss today, which means that we hopefully will be having warmer mornings from now on.  The ride today was very easy, but with a cold morning, it was a little bit of a slow start.  The guys who weren't lame all shaved our beards into mustaches for Mustache Montana.  The girls also drew on sharpie mustaches so they could be included too, so that was funny.  I rocked a "Lemmy" mustache, Conor, Isaac, Tim, Adam, Conor, and Erik all shaved too. Only Strick, Cady, and David were too boring to shave, and didn't want to have any fun. We also passed 3000 miles today!!!  It's crazy to think that we are so close to the end, and we are over 3/4 of the way done.

States traveled through:16(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT)
Distance today: 73 mi
Total Distance traveled:  3032 mi