Ups & Downs

Rolling into Chicago had its ups and downs. While it was extremely wonderful to see family and friends awaiting us at the Bean, I had to walk in without my bike and without a couple pieces of my teeth. I crashed on the way in on a large metal grate covering almost half the street and couldn't get around it quick enough. Sadly, I chipped some teeth and cracked my helmet, but I was so lucky that that was all that happened. My great teammates took great care of me and the following rest day proved absolutely necessary. Shout out to my ex-duty partner Matt Dale Cady for saving my teeth and telling me I looked great, what a guy. A few hours later, I got my face fixed and it looks like nothing happened. Holy cow, how lucky am I? Seriously.

Saturday was nice and relaxing, picking up some bike stuff and spending some time with some of the important people in my life.

Then riding to Lake Geneva was awesome; we ahd the best lunch stop ever. Kristen's family made an amazing lunch for us at a lake house. Most of the team dived right into the cool water after riding in the sun for a few hours. Man, was that awesome. The Topols also provided us with the best of the best. Delicious food, a lake to swim in and tons of beds to sleep on. We have got it really good these days, I can't believe it.

Today, we rode into Fitchburg, Wisonsin and the ride was about 68 miles. A few riders jumped into the river at the lunchstop, combatting the sweltering sun. That was pretty awesome. The rest of the ride was alright, nothing too grand or exciting. The best part might be the church we are at right now. There is tons of space, a shower, a piano, and some of my teammates went out and grabbed a bunch of ice cream for the rest of us. All things considered, good day for sure.