Take a cow to lunch!

Wisconsin and Minnesota have been awesome!!!!! Aside from the fact that it has been in the 90s the past few days we've been riding, the rides have been absolutely beautiful. Both states have been really hilly- to the point that I thought I was back in the mountains at some points. Lacrosse was especially scenic. About 7 of us decided to take the long climb/extra ride to a scenic overlook to watch the sunset, which was amazing and worth the extra sweat and energy. My mom provided an awesome meal in Madison, and we were able to eat leftover tacos for dinner the next day also.

Now were in Rochester, MN on a rest day. The rest day has been very relaxing-most of us took multiple naps today. There's a festival going on in Rochester, so we checked that out last night. The main attractions was the greasy food and 3 hour parade. I did stop momentarily to watch the dog show while I was running today, but real life dogshows are just about as entertaining as the ones shown on TV, so i didn't stay very long.

We very luckily gained another rider today, Matt, who did the ride last year finally decided to join us. We're all pretty excited to have another rider, and Matt's been a huge to help to Brad.

I hear were supposed to have a pretty hefty headwind tomorrow, so I'm pretty psyched for the ride.