PA was beautiful

Been meaning to write on this for awhile.  Right now we are in Cadiz, OH.  After leaving DC, we were out of internet for awhile in the small towns/churches we were staying at and if we weren't, i was too lazy to figure it out.

The ride out of DC was miserable.  Steady downpour for the entire 85 mile ride.  Riding super slow.  The church we stayed in was basically just one huge room and we had dinner on our own- some sort of weird rice and bean concoction one of the riders made that left something to be desired.

The next day was probably my favorite ride of the trip.  An 80 mile ride (that my group made 90 by missing a turn) from Boonsboro, MD to Everett, PA.  Getting over the Appalachians was not easy.  Some of the climbs we had were ridiculous and would bring even the most manly man to a walk.  I managed to stay in the saddle the whole time though. Even though the climbs sucked, the reward at the top was well worth the effort: amazing views of the mountains and farmland all around you.  Made me feel so small- and I'm a giant.  That night we had an amazing meal prepared for us by the church we were staying at.  I ate tons obviously.

The next ride also had plenty of long climbs and beautiful views, but my legs weren't feelin as hot so I think I enjoyed it just a little less.  Pennsylvania is not for the weak.  Again though, huge and sweet dinner waiting for us in Mt. Pleasant, PA... I really can't believe the sheer volume of food I'm consuming.  I normally eat tons, but I have taken it to a new level, just non stop eating all day and never getting full.  I am in a donut eating contest with another rider- Caroline.  She doesn't stand a chance.  Right now I've had 12 and she's had 10 over the course of the trip.  Loser buys donuts in Portland.  I'll win.  I wish it would of been an ice cream easting contest though because that is what I'm really craving on these hot days.

Yesterday was sweet, for the most part.  We got pretty lost making our way into Pittsburgh.  Our directions are pretty much always wrong.  Luckilly, the 3 guys I was riding with made it to 5878 Darlington where we met up with Zachary Madden, who gave us PB & J and served as our tour guide for the next 15 or so miles on his newly assembled bike, which ruled (the ride, not the bike).  After getting to our stayover, I pretty much bounced immediately and went for a nice easy run with the wonderful Jillian.  Then I got my first shower in 3 days.  Jill will attest to the fact that I needed it.  Side Note: I've been really gassy lately.  So then last night I got an amazing pizza dinner with Doc Madden, Jill, Zach and Shay- with a guest appearance by A-mulcs.  Then I helped Zach's disgrace of a kickball team lose in the first round of the playoffs.

Today the ride to Cadiz was ok.  Some ok views through west virginia.  crossing the ohio river on a bridge that was closed was cool i guess.  The roads were so beat up and it was super hot.  Got another nice run in today.  I like checkin out the towns via run once we get in.  Loosens out the legs too.

I also wanted to give a shout out to Patty Reid, back in North East, who I've been thinkin about a lot lately.  Shes been battling cancer for quite some time now and I've decided to dedicate my ride this summer to her.  Gotta keep on fighting through these long days on the bike, just like her and many others fight cancer every day. 

I'm gettin hungry and I gotta try to find somewhere to watch the hockey game tonight.  all the "go pens" signs around Pittsburgh were starting to make me sick so I think I'm pulling for the wings to win it in the burgh.  I all of the pens fans faces. bye