One to Get Me started

With the first few turns of my pedals, I've learned more about biking than I had in my whole life. The first three days of this journey have been an experience to say the least. I can't believe that I have already seen so many great things and met such wonderful people. To date, New York is B-E-AUTIFUL and lively and fun. New Jersey is splendid, rolling meadows I never knew existed. Pennsylvania is so gorgeous and bike happy, it's inspiring. Delaware is home to some truly amazing people.

Each day of this ride brings something new into my life and I can only thank the people who made it possible: my family, friends, all the people who have given me support to help me start this adventure. I cannot thank you enough and I can't wait to share more of it with you.

While the rides can be long and tough, each turn of the pedals is one closer to understanding something bigger and grander than I can begin to describe.