
It has been a few days since I have been able to update so I will try any and catch up.  Leaving D.C. was a hard day for everyone.  It was cold, rainy, a 90 mile ride, and we got our first round of big hills.  The first 45 miles or so went by pretty quick as it was all on bike path and my group had no problems.  However, stopping for lunch turned into a three hour ordeal at Trails End bike shop because Zernyu was having bike issues.  After sitting/warming up for 3 hours it was hard to get back in the saddle and finish the remainder of the ride, but we managed to make it to Boonsboro, MD where we stayed for the night.

The past two days have  been spent riding primarily in Pennsylvania, which is beautiful, but we have hit the Appalachian Mountains which make for tough riding.  The climbs are a test for everyone, but the descents are great.  Today I hit 51mph which is faster than I have ever gone.  We have spent the past two nights at United Methodist Churches which have provided us with great meals; not like what we eat when we cook for ourselves.  I am a little mad at myself because I broke my camera yesterday, which couldn't have come at a worse time because we are just starting to hit the really scenic parts of our ride.  Tomorrow we head out for Carnegie, PA, a suburb of Pittsburgh.  It is only a 55 mile ride, which is very welcoming after three straight 80 plus mile days.