Hills Shmills

Man, if anyone ever told you that there aren't hills on the east coast...they were slightly off. The past couple of days have been pretty hilly and tough and hot but every so often there are some great sights of rolling meadows and flowers. And let me tell you, after hours of riding up and down hills in the sun, PB&J never tasted so good, especially stacked four pieces of bread high. Honestly, d-el-i-c-i-o-u-s.

Today, it took a while to get out of Baltimore with flats and potential chain breaks. But once we got out, I got pretty excited to head to D.C. It's crazy that we're already this far in such a short period of time. And it's also really awesome.

Tomorrow we're getting a tour of the Walter Reed Hospital which should be really great. After that I'm gonna check out the Holocaust museum, the Vietnam Memorial, and whatever else the city has to offer. I'm ready for our first rest day, it will be really nice to have a break adn check out a city I've never been too, so I'm stoked!