Food is a cruel mistress

Well today we had a rest day. It seems like we kinda don't know what to do on rest we ride our bikes! We all woke up some time around 11 but the few of us who were up earlier went out to braekfast at this crazy pancake house that was called Pankuken, which is apparently a Dutch pancake. It wasn't too bad - real good breakfast. After that we all did our own things, some went to the pool, others hung around the church, others slept some more. But for dinner we went to kingdom buffet. (Lordy, we ate waaaay to much!) We all agreed that the ride back to the church was the worst ride of the trip. With our bellies overflowing with food we nursed ourselves back to being just full and rested easy, patiently awaiting the supposed 20mph headwind the next day.