Day 4 & 5 into Baltimore and Washington D.C.

We'd like to start by saying when Brad says it is going to be a hard day, he is not kidding around. Yesterday was a hilly 75 mile ride from Delaware to Baltimore. The first half of the ride was gorgeous, but exhausting. We were happy to have a warm welcome at alumni rider Ben's ghetto. Dinner was some what of a fiasco, so thank you Jay's for the pizza! We also received $42 in donations.

Today was a 60 mile ride into Washington D.C. The ride was hilly, but definitely easier than the previous ride. A cool Maryland rider, Mike, rode with us for 10 miles, and donated $100 to our cause. We also received a donation of food from Convenience Catering, thanks Doug Henley! U of I alum Alyssa in Washington D.C. treated us to Lebanese food and tomorrow's Portrait participant Jan made us some amazing brownies : ). Tonight the group is split, and each place is having an event of their own. One group had to bike an extra 20 miles in the rain, but they were warmly welcomed with (meaty and veggie) burgers, corn, and potato salad. The rest of the boys are spending the evening in style at Brad's generous friend Brian's place.The girls are having a night on the town, and staying at alum rider, Andrea's, house. Their evening may entail almond butter, chile spiced mangos, dark chocolate raspberry trail mix, snuggling, but absolutely no gluten.

We are all looking forward to our team reunion at Walter Reed Hospital where we are lucky to receive a tour. More to come tomorrow...

A quick update on the donut eating competition: Caroline is beating Matt Cady 7-6 (he only has 60 days to catch up).