Day 27 - "Where is this Port Land?"

Reedsburg WI to Lacrosse WI.  We arrived in Portland today!!! Portland Wisconsin, that is, but we did get some awesome pics with the sign.  Our ride today was a longer one, heading about 78 miles into the hills of Wisconsin.  The hills were steeper again today, we thought at some points we might have been heading back into Pennsylvania.  Today was hot again, the temp was 90+ when we got into Lacrosse, but we made good time and went to the local ice cream shop again.  I am pretty much living off of ice cream and peanut butter and jelly this summer, if I wasn't riding for hours every day, I might feel bad about it.  Another thing, we have gotten some amazing donations from Panera and Einstein Bros this summer, but I think that if I have to eat another dry peanut butter sandwich on a plain bagel, I might never eat bagels again.  We have eaten at least three bagels each day for the past two weeks I think.  Its getting ridiculous.  Anyways, Wisconsin is beautiful and the hills are nice to look at when you are trying to catch your breath after riding up one. Tomorrow we ride into Minnesota for the first time in my life, and we have a hospital visit at the Mayo clinic, which is supposed to be amazing, except that we have to leave an hour or two earlier than normal in order to get there in time.  So, i am excited, but not happy to have to be up at 4AM tomorrow and riding at 5AM. Well, hopefully this will mean we will avoid some of the heat, so that could be good. Well, guess we'll see yah in Meen-a-sota, eh?

Animals seen: Llamas, mules/mini horses, elk/caribou, goats, sheep

States traveled through:12(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI)
Distance today: 78 mi
Total Distance traveled:  1670 mi