Day 21 - Narrowly avoiding danger

Homewood IL to Chicago IL.  We elected new ride leaders for the rest of the ride, so from here on out, Brad is done and Tim and Megan will run the I4K show.  Todays ride was supposed to be an easy 30 mile ride into the city, but once again, things went bad.  We were supposed to be in Millennium Park to meet friends and family at 12.  From the start, we were lost and ended up making up our own way to the first rest stop since the cues were so far off.  We made it to the rest stop with only an hour to make it the last 15 plus miles, and immediately got lost again, then started hearing about the awful weather in Chicago.  People were calling us and telling us that it was hailing and that there were terrible thunderstorms throughout the city, so not only were we making up our own cues again to get into the city, but we were also racing the weather.  We had almost made it into the city when Megan wiped out on some metal grates that were placed right in the middle of our supposed bike path through the city and ended up landing on her face and chipping a tooth or two, so we didn't end up making it into the city until almost an hour later.  It ended up alright though, we made it to the Bean and people were still waiting to take our picture and welcome us in, and Megan was alright in the end.  We made it into the UIC dorms and got into our rooms and ended up heading to Greektown through the pouring rain for dinner, and had a delicious gyro dinner at Spectrum. Tomorrow is a rest day, so I look forward to catching up with emails and blogging and all that.

States traveled through:11(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL)
Distance today: 44 mi
Total Distance traveled:  1361 mi