Day 18 - The Home Stretch

Rockville IN to Champaign, IL.  Our next ride was into Champaign, where we all go to school!!  We were all excited to be back on roads that we had all been on before for the first time during the trip, but the day was not a fun ride, as it started raining, and we ended up stuck on gravel roads for most of the second half of the ride, and let me tell you, riding through gravel and clay roads in the pouring rain is not one of my favorite activities. We arrived in Homer at 11AM and had to wait two hours for the rest of the team to catch up, and also for our guest riders, who rode the rest of the way into Champaign with us.  Once we got into Champaign, we rode into the Alumni center around 3PM and were greeted by friends and family and some news cameras that were just minutes too late to get shots of us riding in together.  We also did the annual jump into the fountain, which was fun, even if it did mean getting wet again.  At night I got to sleep in a real bed for the first time on the trip, and I also got to eat some of the best food on campus at Dos Reales and hang out with Moy, Melissa, Paul and Marcus, so that was awesome, it felt awesome to be able to see familiar faces again.  Unfortunately I fell asleep at 8PM so I didn't make it out to hang out with everyone for the night, but a warm bed was just too tempting.

States traveled through:11(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL)
Distance today: 77 mi
Total Distance traveled:  1187 mi