Chicago, Rest, and Wisconsin

For so long we have been in new places every night, and every morning we have been heading to some other unfamiliar place. From Homewood, however, many of us had home to look forward to.

The day began with an ominous forecast, with warnings of violent storms and eventually some tornado watches. For once we did not attract every storm cloud in the area and instead only saw the lightening and rain in the distance. Like so many other days, we had some difficulties with directions but the increasingly urban landscape and the eventual sight of Lake Michigan indicated that we were headed in the general direction of the city.

As we approached the final trail of the day the lead group of riders ran into some construction on the street bike path. As they rounded some construction barriers they passed over large metal plates which proved to be extremely slick. The first pack called out the hazard as they nearly crashed but it wass to no avail, as Megan took a nasty spill requiring some dental repair. We were all amazed and impressed when she wanted to keep riding but insisted that she wait for the van to pick her up. We're glad to say that she is back to having a perfect smile.

Arriving in Millenium Park was a sweet moment for us all, with many families there to greet their riders and PB&J sandwiches all around. After some group photos and warm welcomes home the riders headed to either stay at the UIC dorms or with their families in the Chicago area. It was great to be home, even if only for a day.

After a relaxing day in Chicago the I4K hosted a ride-a-long from Millenium Park to Highland Park, allowing friends and family to join us on our brief 30 mile ride. It was a wonderful chance for others to get a taste for what we do from day to day. The ride was mostly on bike paths that followed the Metra tracks which made it a really stress free day. We ended the ride at the Metra station where another charity group, Team in Training, was ending a race. It was a wonderful chance for us to connect with another organization and we thank them for their words of encouragement and the two enormous bags of bagels that they donated.

Today we left Chicago on a beautiful day for riding, heading northwest towards Wisconsin. The route was fantastic, consisting mostly of beautiful trails and scenic roads. While it was an extremely hot day, we had the relief of a refreshing swim in the Fox Lake thanks to the Tully family at our lunch stop. For once we didn't have to eat out of the back of the van, instead getting a fabulous lunch provided for us. Thanks!

The last 30 miles of the day were a breeze thanks to the incredible mid-day break and the promise of another swim at Lake Geneva. Arriving at the Topol family lake house, many riders headed to the lake right away. After a hot day of riding, there is nothing like a dip in the lake and synchronised diving to bring you back to life. As if the day couldn't get any better, the Topol and Volkman families provided us with a great dinner. Tomorrow we really begin our westward journey!