4000 Miles Down, 4000 Miles to Go

Hello Illini 4000 Supporters,

Once again I find myself on the road with the Illini 4000. Having completed the ride in 2008 I have returned as a ride leader for this summer. I must say that I am very impressed with this year's team. They bring their own uniqueness and style to the table. Even though the first week has brought its share of logistical nightmares they have been very understanding and incredibly resourceful. Today the team divided up and brought in several food donations from local pizzarias after we had problems preparing a meal. I look forward to the days and weeks ahead with the 2009 Illini 4000 Team. I can't wait to see the country all over again with them.
I would also like to take some time to thank some of our stayovers. In NYC the Chou's and Tim O'Conner's cousin, Chris really pulled through offering us a place to stay last minute. In Hillsborough, the Thakkars, who are the parents of Illini 4000 Co-Founder Anish Thakkar, once again welcomed us into their home and showered us with food. They have offered us a safe haven over the last two years that has been extremely helpful. The day the team rides out of NYC is stressful and very tiring. As we finally break out of the urban sprawl on that day's ride the Thakkar household has always been a shinning beacon for the team. And lastly I would also like to give a shoutout to the Salem Methodist Church in Newark. We have always felt extremely welcomed there both years. They have also fed us until we were bursting and sent us on our way.
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the team and all of those people who have provided us with a place to stay. Without you this ride would not be possible.

Brad Topol
Illini 4000 Ride Leader