Gettin Ready

So heres my first blog in history.  I’m going to try to keep this updated throughout the trip for all of you to read, but I’m not sure how often I’ll have computer/internet access this summer so forgive me if I lag behind at times.  I suppose I may also end up starting a blog on another site if I find that I can do sweeter stuff someplace else, like post pictures, but this seems relatively simple for now.

First, many thanks to all of you who donated.  The support I received from family, friends, and even strangers has been amazing and this trip wouldn’t be possible without you.

Right now I’m in Pittsburgh, chillin with the Maddens (Zach is the bearded man whose back I’m on in my profile picture, not sure how that ended up as the picture on this site).  We’re about to take a stroll to a local bike shop to look for some gear I still need.

I’ll hop on the Lake Shore Limited route in Buffalo, the All America City, early Thursday morning and join many of my Illini 4000 teammates on their way to NYC.  Then, Saturday morning we’ll be departing Central Park on two wheels… Destination: Portland...