gettin pumped

In NYC now, headed out early tomorrow.  Train ride was pretty sweet. 

So our stayover at Columbia somehow got messed up so the group had to split into two: one group at one of our riders apartments and another at the causin of another rider- conveniently on opposite ends of Manhatten.  Once we finally got settled into our spots last night, around 1030, we were super starving so myself and two other guys split an XL pizza and cheesesticks from this awesome local New York pizza place down the street.  It was called Papa Johns and it smelled a lot like the pizza place on Green Street in Champaign that I bike by every day.

Today was sweet.  Started by going to this small donut shop with some other riders- Donut Plant somewhere near Chinatown.  No joke, the best donuts I'd ever had.  I had a carrot cake, a peanut butter and jelly, and a toasted almond (putting me at six donuts in two days, after eating three of the donuts I brought on the train from Wegmans yesterday)... Even sweeter, after striking up a conversation with the owner about what we were doing, he donated a cool 500 dollars to us- super sweet guy.  Then we hit times square and rockefeller center followed by a well needed nap in central park.  After that, we all met up with the rest of the team and went to an event set up by the U of I alumni in NYC... ate a lot of appetizers and brownies.

Lookin forward to hittin the road tomorrow.  I still need to take the subway to other side of Manhatten, do some last minute bike prepping for tomorrow, and get some well needed rest for tomorrow. 

Lots of stuff on the internet, glad you're reading this