Yesterday was our first ride as a group. The day started off at a nice, but not too chilly 47 degrees with winds from the east at 10mph, and the temperature slowly warmed up through the afternoon. At 9:45am we assembled ourselves at Allen Hall, and after a few last minute checks and reminders, we were ready to set off across through the barren fields out to Homer Lake. Of course we couldn't leave without first taking a team photo. This was the first time (almost) everybody was together with their bikes.With the formalities out of the way we were on our way through the streets of Urbana and out to the countryside. One we hit Homer Lake Road (about 1/4 of the way there), we begun to split up, with the stronger riders splitting off and taking the lead. I ended up in a group which kept a steady pace of 15-16mph, not the fastest of the groups, but a nice quick and easy pace.Upon arriving we snacked, chatted, and made minor adjustments to our bikes while waiting for everybody else to arrive. Once we had all made it, there were a few announcements, reminders, and additional chit-chat before we made the return journey. On the return, I tried to keep up with the fast group, though, even with a slight wind at my back I was finding it difficult to keep up with the 21mph pace. I did hang on in the end, however it was clear that my muscles were pushed a little beyond their capabilities.Overall, I think it went well. Everybody seemed knowledgeable and well prepared for the trip ahead, and I look forward to next weekend's ride, where we'll step up the total distance to 50-60 miles. My guess is that we'll probably take a trip out to Monticello, but that has yet to be determined.