Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Wes Kendall

Wes Kendall

“A lot of people tell me I’m lucky. But I think that’s a shame that people have that mindset that if you survive cancer, you’re lucky. We need to change that perception. Let’s make it to where a cancer diagnosis isn’t such a dire thing. We need to help more people get better treatments, so that someday if someone says, ‘I had cancer but I don’t anymore,’ it’s going to be just as common as someone saying, ‘I broke my leg when I was a kid.’ One day I hope we see that in the future. Maybe not in my lifetime, but hopefully in my daughter’s.”

Robert Ritz

Robert Ritz

“I am a twice survivor of cancer... November 1999 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I was the first recorded patient that has an Hodgkin’s Lymphoma started in brain tumor. I ended up going to 6 months of radiation and they only gave me about a 20% chance of living. After 5 years, they found that the cancer came back. So in January 2006, it came back and it was pretty aggressive. I did 15 months of chemotherapy and I was not doing any good. I was on the hardest chemo treatment the hospital had.”