Maya Korol


Maya Korol

Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Psychology and Political Science


Hi everyone! My name is Maya and I am a sophomore at the University of Illinois. I am a political science and psychology major. After college, I hope to go to graduate school to become either a psychologist or nurse-midwife. I would love to eventually work in healthcare policy and lobbying. Outside of Illini 4000, I work as a disability-accessibility student aide, and in a research lab studying the relationship between psychological well-being and distress. I am also a member of Student Advocacy Coalition (SAC), which is a student lobbying group on campus. In my free time I love reading, watching bad movies, drumming, and painting. If I could meet two famous people dead or alive they would be R.B.G. and Paul Simon. I am so excited to be a part of this team!


I am doing this for all the wonderful people in my life who have battled cancer. My father and grandma (love you, Bubbe Zelda!) and are both longtime cancer survivors, and I have many loved ones who passed away from cancer as well. I've seen how it can impact someone and their family for decades after diagnosis. Every single person on Earth knows someone who has faced this disease, and we must work tirelessly toward the eradication of cancer once and for all. I want to make a commitment to fundraising and spreading awareness in a tangible and impactful way: which is why I am so excited for the Illini 4000!