Michael Conway

Michael Conway

Hometown: Minooka, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Crop Sciences


Hello there, thanks for stopping by my page! My name is Michael Conway, and I'm currently a Senior in Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois. I am originally from the Shorewood/Minooka area of Illinois, where I grew up with one older sibling, my sister Maggie. Growing up I played a couple of sports including baseball and then lacrosse, but I spent most of my time pursuing music or binge-watching television shows. I played Saxophone in marching band throughout high school, and played guitar in a classic rock cover band. Since leaving for college, these things have remained a large part of my life. I still make music with a group of close friends (The Supersonic Sled Dogs), and play Sousaphone as a member of the Marching Illini. I am beyond excited to be a member of the Illini 4000, and cannot wait to see the country and create lifelong memories with this extraordinary group.


A serious diagnosis like cancer can impact every aspect of a person's life. For people who are fighting cancer or helping a loved one, I want them to know that they are not alone, and never will be. Through the ride and the Portraits Project, I hope to demonstrate that even in times that seem dark and isolating, we are all connected and willing to support one another.