Steven Sabatini

Steven Sabatini

Hometown: Schaumburg, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Agricultural and Consumer Economics


Hi everyone! I am Steven Sabatini, and I am a senior at Illinois majoring in Agricultural and Consumer Economics with a concentration in Financial Planning. I grew up in Schaumburg, a suburb of Chicago, and will be working in Chicago once I graduate as a Financial Analyst for PepsiCo. I have been involved in a few different organizations and have had several different jobs while at U of I, but the Illini 4000 has always been a priority for me. In 2015 I began my career with Illini 4000 when they found me on quad day. I rode on the 2016 Bike America team as a freshman, I later joined the Portraits Project Committee as a sophomore, then served as President of Illini 4000 as a Junior, and I am now finishing my career with the organization as the Treasurer. I am excited to be ride leader for the 2019 Bike America Team, and help guide such an impressive group of students on a meaningful journey across America.


When I was applying to be the Ride Leader for the 2019 Bike America Team one of my driving motivations was to help this team of riders have the same positive experience that I received from my team and Ride Leaders in 2016. The Illini 4000 provides riders a tremendous opportunity for growth through the people we meet, perspective we are exposed to, and the emotions that the ride will invoke. Similarly, as a member of the Illini 4000 team, I recognized early on how universal cancer is and felt driven to be apart of the Illini 4000’s mission to raise funds to support research and patient services. Cancer is a truly unfortunate disease that does not discriminate, but my experience with Illini 4000 and meeting people affected by cancer along the way has taught me that; it is not facing great threats at long odds that causes people to lose hope – it is facing them alone. I am proud of what Illini 4000 has accomplished and I am excited to see what it will accomplish in the future.