Maria Dracopoli

Maria Dracopoli

Hometown: Princeton, NJ

University: University of Illinois

Major: Statistics, Psychology


Hi everyone! My name is Maria Dracopoli and I am a senior studying Psychology and Statistics at the University of Illinois. I plan to go to graduate school in the fall to study biostatistics. When I’m not busy studying or watching Grey’s Anatomy, I love to read, hike, cook, eat donuts, and watch super nerdy documentaries. One of my lifelong dreams is to visit every national park and as many state parks as I can. I am so excited for the Illini 4000 adventure across the country this upcoming summer and to raise money for such an important cause.


I have wanted to be involved with Illini 4000 since I heard about it as a freshman. The organization raises money for such incredibly important research and patient support programs. Some of my family members have been effected by cancer and I have seen the toll it can take on those fighting the disease and their loved ones. Biking across the country and sharing stories of those impacted by cancer through the Portrait’s Project creates a personal narrative that can help others find support and hope. I am so excited to be a part of a team that raises money for cancer research and contributes to fighting this disease.