Aaron Beliles

Aaron Beliles

Hometown: Plainfield, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Undecided


Hi, my name is Aaron Beliles, I am currently a freshman undecided at the University of Illinois. I am an only child from Plainfield Illinois with two loving parents at home and a loving girlfriend close by, and I want to thank them for supporting me and without them I would not be where I am today. With my free time I do photography, painting, skateboarding and spending time with friends. I do participate in the bowling team here at UIUC, and it is one of my favorite pass times at school. Others things I enjoy is making people smile and laugh and if you consider to donate I will be the one smile. I am so excited to be part of this team and I am really looking forward to raising awareness for this disease.


The first time I heard of the Illini 4000 was at Sights and Sounds during the first week of school. Hearing some of the team talk about what they do and why they ride across the country instantly had me excited. I have had a few encounters with cancer in my life from my mom having cancer, my friends mom and even my cousin. I hope to pass along what I have experienced within my family in exchange for new stories, and make more people connected through the Portraits project this summer. I know this ride will be tough but I also know that there are millions fighting cancer everywhere which will push me during the ride this summer.