Hello world!
Yesterday was another roaster. We were biking in 95 degree weather which I don’t recommend.
Good thing was that the headwinds only last for 20-30 miles or so, so the last 65 ish miles we were hangin out. The heat meant more rest stops so it felt like the day dragged on a little bit but nothin you can really do about that.
Biking through Easter Colorado is not what I expected it to look like… very dry, too many bad smelling cows to count, corn, wheat farms, and a lot of open grassland. You kinda get used to it a little, but I’m ready to get outta dodge and head on over to DENVERRRRRR baby!
Today is the day!! I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time now. In fact, 8/9 of us are headed to Red Rocks for a concert this evening (after the 97 miles)!! Call us an ambitious bunch but I think it’s going to be an experience for the books.
With that, the next blog post for day 41 probably won’t be until later so bear with me!
Catch y’all on the flip side.
P.S. – Yesterday was June 27th which marks my dad’s 1 year and 4 month anniversary of his liver-kidney transplant. I decided to dedicate the ride to him in celebration. Congrats pops, keep on chuggin!