Day 22-24

Hello world!

My apologies for being MIA for a bit. Because of the weather on Day 22, the team was unable to bike into the city, so we essentially had 2 full rest days in Chicagoland!

My parents put together a little shindig Saturday night so it was awesome to see all my friends and family!!! Thank you so much to those who came, I hope you know I feel the love no matter what state I’m in :)

Day 23 brought yet another pleasant surprise… tickets to the cubs game!

Day 24 started with a 5:00 am wake up and drive into the city where we left from the bean. We didn’t roll out until about 9:00, so that made for a pretty late arrival to Lake Geneva.

No worries though because my group was bookin it! Made it to the stayover over an hour before everyone so I had time to get a cat nap in.

Today’s ride had us passing through the burbs, one being lville!! I was so lucky to have some amazing supporters out there along the ride. Cowbells, signs, cookies, and standing out of sunroofs! Wouldn’t have made it the 95 miles without their presence, so thank you Mrs. Orsini and Mrs. Wid!!

No idea how many miles tomorrow (technically today) is but I know we’re headed to Madison, WI. I love that city.

On Wisconsin baby.
