Yingquan Yu

Yingquan Yu

Hometown: Xiamen, China

University: University of Illinois

Major: Computer Engineering


Hi! I am Yingquan Yu, call me Ricky if you like! I am from China and currently a sophomore in Computer Engineering at University of Illinois. My life is full of “adventure” since the first day I came to earth: Because of the birth control policy in China, my family moved to another city to avoid compulsory abortion for the second child, which is, me! I know this sounds crazy but that is what I've been through all the way to here. Before my family settled down on the most beautiful city called "Xiamen" in China, we had kept moving until I was 12 years old. I grew up with unprecedented caring and love from my family, supporting me all the way to study abroad in the United States. Now, I want make a difference, I4K won't be my final destination, but it would certainly be one of the most interesting part of my continuing adventure!


I am fortunate that none of my family members nor my friends have ever had cancer. But my experience as a volunteer at local nursing house pushed me to think about the relationship between patients and those close to them. I have witnessed many times how this disease destroyed their hope and their families. Those heart breaking stories happen again and again, but there is nothing that I can do. Somehow I feel the urge in my heart to fight cancer. I feel as if it's part of my responsibility after seeing so many people suffering from it. I'm proud of being in a team that spreads hope, love and courage!