Kenny Shaevel

Kenny Shaevel

Hometown: Libertyville, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Undeclared


My name is Kenny Shaevel and I am from Libertyville, Illinois. I’m a freshman at UIUC and I’m currently undeclared (and considering MANY different majors!). I'm really excited to be here at U of I because this school is basically perfect for me: as an undeclared student, I have a lot of opportunity to explore different majors and classes thanks to the Division of General Studies and the university’s generosity with AP credit, as well as the multitudinous student groups on campus. This past summer I got my first job ever working at a brand new high-end yet very affordable grocery store called Mariano’s, but as far as career prospects after UIUC I am profoundly undecided. I’m really excited to get involved with Illini 4000, especially the Portraits Project, which a really interesting way to raise cancer awareness, and the bike ride sounds like a blast and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Cycling has been a hobby of mine since the beginning of high school and I’m looking forward to getting involved in Illini 4000, which beautifully synthesizes my enjoyment of cycling with a cause that I’m passionate about. Other than Illini 4000, I’m involved in the Honors Student Council, the Residence Hall Judicial Commission, and the UIUC Speech Team. In conclusion, I'm looking forward to a great year with I4K and at UIUC!


Cancer is one of the most humbling forces of the human experience. Cancer doesn't discriminate when choosing its victims; it can take down the greatest of humankind in stride. To me, the most striking aspect of the sickness is our general incompetence at eradicating the disease despite significant advances in medical technologies over the past several decades. About ten years ago, my dad was diagnosed with a minor form of bladder cancer; thankfully, it was treatable and he made it through fairly well, but the idea of losing my father at the wrong time kills me, especially being separated from him now that I'm at college. During my freshman year of high school, one of my best childhood friends died from leukemia. It was this moment that really made me passionate about fighting cancer through cancer research. We have overcome a lot of very serious diseases in the history of medicine. One rarely ever hears today of people dying from polio or bacterial infections. Cancer should be the same way.