A Quick Ride to Chamberlain

Hey all,A few weeks ago the team decided unanimously to split our crazy 110 mile ride to Stefan, SD into two days with an added stay-over in Chamberlain. With most of the team rolling in at about 2, the free afternoon was full of thrift shopping and strolling along Chamberlain’s one street business center. The team was greeted with an amazing amount of kindness from the Chamberlain community including the Zion Lutheran Church allowing us to stay on such short notice, and Maria’s delicious and much appreciated dinner. We also got to meet with Mike Tyrell, the father of Izzy Tyrell, who the 2010 team met to do a portrait! With a place to sleep and our bellies full, the team will spend the night relaxing and recovering from the early wake up and the headwinds we endured today.Tomorrow we are off to Stefan (with a 6:30 wake up!!!) to learn more about this country’s Native American history, but we would like to thank the Chamberlain community once last time for their hospitality! Day 34 here we come!Much Love,The Illini 4000P.S. The team received their first rattlesnake tutorial after dinner, and are fully prepared (also slightly scared) for the western wildlife!