Lauren Mazurski

Lauren Mazurski

Hometown: Chicago, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Community Health - Health Administration


I am currently a senior, Community Health major at the University of Illinois, set to graduate in May 2010. Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, I have been blessed with a very supportive family and unparalleled friends. My mother and father have always encouraged my three brothers and I to try new things and take advantage of all opportunities thrown our way. I spent much of my youth outdoors playing softball, volleyball, and taking gymnastics classes until I found competitive cheerleading to be my athletic passion through high school. With education always being high priority, those who know me well would say that I’m the type of person always striving to learn more. Picking one thing to focus on in college was definitely a challenge considering I enjoy reading about and discussing nearly anything you can bring to the table. I love to keep a full schedule between school, working, and student organizations but in my spare time, I’m constantly traveling to new destinations, reading, staffing cheer camps, watching movies or listening to music. As for what lies after my graduation from U of I, the only thing I’m sure of is that I want to help other people in any way I can whether that be through a public health department, in a school system or in collaboration with a hospital. In the long run, I want to be able to serve the under-privileged by using my diverse background and the knowledge gained from the experiences I have been fortunate enough to take part in.


My reason for riding is based on my belief that the fight against cancer is something everyone should become a part of, in any way, shape or form. We are all capable of contributing at some level. Personally, I have loved ones who have beat cancer, are currently fighting it, and I have lost my Aunt Laura to cancer as well. Being in grade school when I first found out about her diagnosis, I was awoken to the plague that cancer is. I cut off my long blonde ponytail and mailed it to Locks of Love knowing that there was another kid out there who could benefit from such a simple act. After watching my Aunt Laura fight for 7 years, and losing her 2 summers ago, I ride to continue the fight for her.