We kicked off our trip today successfully around 8:45 am from Central Park. The ride out of Manhattan was easier than I thought it would be, and we had an amazing view riding on the George Washington Bridge out of New York towards New Jersey and we had awesome weather, it was about 70 and sunny all day. New Jersey was not too fun to ride in, there were potholes everywhere and it wasn't very nice to look at until the 20 miles or so. Those last 20 miles were really cool though, and we got to ride alongside some pretty sweet rivers.
The ride felt really long just because we were in urban areas all day today, it took us until about 3:30 pm to go about 65 miles, and we were the first group to arrive! I felt good today, the ride was long, but I still had enough energy to play some volleyball and ultimate frisbee.
Once we finally made it to our destination in Hillsborough, it is a really beautiful place. The parents of former I4K founder and rider Anish Thakkar were hosting us, and immediately handed out water, juice, watermelon, and yogurt, and once the entire team arrived, gave us the most amazing meal I think we'll ever have during the trip.

Tomorrow we ride to Philadelphia, its a 90+ mile ride, so i expect to be exhausted tomorrow night.