Well, here we are with only one day before departure. It seems like just yesterday that I signed up for this trip but getting under way has been a long time in coming. With months of preparation and thousands of miles of riding since the fall, I think I'm ready to go, but there are still many unknowns and certainly plenty of nights of sore legs to come. Luckily the cold I've been battling for about a month seems to have passed just in time but it has definitely made training during the past few weeks difficult.
I hope to update this blog every chance I get, sharing my experiences with all of our fantastic supporters. I want to specifically thank everyone that has donated to the cause : Joe and Pat Rupe, Darwin and Sally Lind, Stan and Lois Daulton, Aaron Midkiff, Zane and Etta Lilly, Steve and Diana Barthelmess, Cathy Ruddle, Rick and Tammy Barthelmess, Chris and Susan Smith, Jim and Rose Rupe, Melissa Johnson, Stormy Lunsford, Bill and Judy Wells, Dan Kryzak, James and Gloria Lyons, Jack and Virginia Booth, Jim Steigerwald, Joe Taylor, John and Sarah Byham, Jerry and Kay Davis, Dana Lance, Myron and Renee Harper, Edsel and Aileen Taylor, Janet Belliveau, Kevin Kung, Scott and Amanda Fox, Clella Strother, Brett and Angie Barthelmess, Kenneth and Lorraine Pollock, Cynara Pierzina, Judy Peirsol, Birgit, Eric and Christine Nordmark, Tim and Beverly Taylor, and all of the members of Alpha Phi Omega.
Finally all packed and amazingly everything fit in the tiny bag. Living from this pack for about 70 days.

Departing from Chicago for New York tomorrow. Can't wait!