Illini 4000

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Day 55: Butte, MT to Drummond, MT

Today's ride was dedicated to Marie's neighbor Tasha. Tasha has had several experiences with cancer, including her husband passing away after a battle with cancer, and having a current diagnosis of her own. Tasha has a young son that she is raising while fighting cancer and while staying positive throughout her experiences. We were honored to ride in memory of her husband and with her current battle in mind.Today was an 80 mile day into Drummond Montana. Montana reminds us a little more of the Midwest in terms of having a bunch of little towns along our route, and we were excited to get to stop at some gas stations and stores for our rest stops compared to the side of the road stops we have done lately. We got to do a beautiful climb and descent up and down a mountain (easier said than done but everyone killed it as always!) and we arrived at our stayover at a decent time today.Our stayover today is Drummond High School. They have graciously provided us a place to sleep, showers, and food!!!! We ate soup, bread, chili, salad, and cookies. After dinner, we went to an event at the local library where we got to present about our mission to community members! They were amazing and engaged and had a lot of questions that we had fun answering. Then we went to a little bonfire with smores and games. Such an awesome night where we feel right at home!Today's shout-out goes to Zihao. Zihao's chore involves inventorying our cooler every evening and night to make sure that our food stays good and we always know what we have. He and his chore partner Anisha had a brilliant idea to save the ice/make our own ice every night where a freezer is available to make sure that we don't ever have to buy ice from a gas station. It seems like a little thing, but buying a bag of ice each day really adds up over 78 days. Zihao is also constantly positive and makes everybody laugh, which is so valuable on some of these tough days out west.