Illini 4000

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Day 54: Bozeman, MT to Butte, MT

Yesterday while at a rest stop, we had the chance to talk to a lot of community members and share our mission with them. We heard many stories of those affected by cancer, and today we dedicated our ride to two of those individuals: Robert Martes who has battled bladder cancer and Julie Caldwell who has battled lung cancer.Today’s ride was 97 miles, so almost a century! We made great time as we biked through the beautiful mountainous roads of Montana and got to have lunch at the Lewis & Clark State Park. The end of the ride had a steep 12 mile, 2,000 foot climb and then a beautiful descent into Butte, where we are lucky to stay tonight.We are so thankful to be staying at the Abundant Life Fellowship this evening. They have so much room for us and in-house, warm showers, which are extra nice after such a long ride today. We are also thankful to be getting food this evening in the form of pizza, sandwiches, and food from the Montana Rib & Chop House. Our team has done an awesome job with calling pretty much every food establishment in every town we have gotten to stay in and have been successful almost every day finding generous restaurants that donate food to us.Today’s shout-out definitely goes to Viraat. He has really lead the charge to call all of these restaurants in his down time. It makes a huge difference in team morale to have local food, so we are thankful for Viraat and all of his work!