Illini 4000

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Day 45: Buffalo, WY to Meadowlark Lake, WY

We have returned to the land of cell phone service! The past few days have been amazing and full of beautiful scenery and amazing feats.Sunday's ride was dedicated to John Perkins who battled lung cancer, and Charlene Perkins, who battled brain cancer. In their honor the team started off our day doing Handstands for Mom for the Andrea Lynn Cancer Foundation. They weren't the best handstands in the world, but it was for a good cause!The ride was quite a challenge: we literally climbed a whole entire mountain with well over a mile of only uphills. Usually we go about 10-14 MPH, but up the hills we were going 4-8 MPH. This made for a slower moving day, but spirits were high the entire time and the mountain was conquered! We did have to adjust to the altitude quite a bit because we are not used to the air, which was a lot thinner at 8,000 feet than it is back home where we trained and in every state we have been riding in so far. We also had to load up with bug spray to avoid the mosquitoes!After climbing the mountain we set up our tents at our campsite, just in time too because then we got hit with a little rainstorm. Thankfully all of the tents were up in time and everyone's stuff stayed dry. We got to walk around the lake and hangout together at our campsite all evening and had a picnic dinner of deli meat sandwiches and salad. It was a cold night in the tent but a really fun experience with beautiful sights! You may have heard about the "mini-bears" through our Facebook page and how we had some at our campsite. Don't worry: mini-bears is just our name for squirrels!The rider shout-out from Sunday definitely goes to Cari! Cari was in a group that ended up getting caught in a hailstorm during a pretty long downhill coming into the campground. After climbing the hills like a champ, she also descended in the hail like a champ. She also got our dinner ready and portioned it out so everyone had a fair amount, which is always very important to the team dynamic!